
What did a job give you instead of good performance or attendance instead of a bonus?

So at my previous job you got a badge if you didn't have a day off for six months straight also if you were a good worker but mainly 6 months of no time off. I was the only supervisor not to have one as I was the youngest with one with 2 kids so it was never going to happen. Every now and then at team meetings after giving out badges she would say sorry but you just didn't make the cut again. Didn't matter I was running 3 sites when I only was ment to run 3 and that other supervisors would regularly call me or advice or that I would regularly work 12 to 14 hour days when I was only contracted for 8hrs and get no extra cash or days in loo. At my last team meeting my boss said it was Shame I never received…

So at my previous job you got a badge if you didn't have a day off for six months straight also if you were a good worker but mainly 6 months of no time off. I was the only supervisor not to have one as I was the youngest with one with 2 kids so it was never going to happen. Every now and then at team meetings after giving out badges she would say sorry but you just didn't make the cut again. Didn't matter I was running 3 sites when I only was ment to run 3 and that other supervisors would regularly call me or advice or that I would regularly work 12 to 14 hour days when I was only contracted for 8hrs and get no extra cash or days in loo. At my last team meeting my boss said it was Shame I never received a badge. I looked her straight in the eyes and said I'm a mum with to young children in day care it was never going to happen and I would rather cash or PTO then a badge anyway.

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