
Interviews and waiting time.

This story is from the first summer of the pandemic. I’d just graduated school and it was difficult to find a job during the initial pull back in March. I had a side gig watching pets on rover and at the time of this interview I was watching two lab mixes Emma and Sammy. I had an interview scheduled at 2 pm with liberty mutual to look into being some kind of financial advisor I’m not sure of the title anymore. At around 1:50 they send a zoom link so I go in and wait, I’m wearing a button down shirt and dressed nice as you could expect for a business call. By 2:15 she hasn’t shown up, so I send an email, saying hey I’m here, what’s up. All I get back is radio silence. At 3 pm a full hour later, I’m thinking ok we’ll just reschedule, Sammy…

This story is from the first summer of the pandemic. I’d just graduated school and it was difficult to find a job during the initial pull back in March. I had a side gig watching pets on rover and at the time of this interview I was watching two lab mixes Emma and Sammy.

I had an interview scheduled at 2 pm with liberty mutual to look into being some kind of financial advisor I’m not sure of the title anymore. At around 1:50 they send a zoom link so I go in and wait, I’m wearing a button down shirt and dressed nice as you could expect for a business call. By 2:15 she hasn’t shown up, so I send an email, saying hey I’m here, what’s up. All I get back is radio silence.

At 3 pm a full hour later, I’m thinking ok we’ll just reschedule, Sammy and Emma are getting antsy to go outside too. So I decide fuck it and take them for a run.

When I’m coming back home, I get an email asking if I can talk at about 3:45, it’s about 3:40 now and I’m covered in sweat from the run. I explained I would be available, but I’m not in my most presentable state, the person says please do the interview anyways, so I get changed back into the outfit from earlier.

First thing she says to me is, “you must not want the job if this is how you presented yourself”. I told her, “You know, I was interested until you opened your mouth. Thanks for wasting my time” and ended the call there.

Think I dodged a bullet with that company, also watch out for insurance financial advisors, they don’t have your best interests at heart and they make commissions on what they sell you.

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