
I worked for a lawn company for one day

This company had us sit through 8 hours of videos on things unrelated to the actual job with a day and a half more videos left. They wanted us to do 11 hour days, without planned breaks or even the ability to take lunch, when out in the field. Which is a big problem, because I'm not going behind a bush or in a cornfield, and we would be dealing with harsh chemicals with no ability to wash our hands even if we packed food for in the truck. They changed my job title so I wouldn't get any bonuses like the other workers because I had another job that I needed to leave for in the late evening(well after a normal 8 hour shift). He had to be able to tell the other workers I get to leave “early” because no bonuses, otherwise it'd topple the house of cards.…

This company had us sit through 8 hours of videos on things unrelated to the actual job with a day and a half more videos left. They wanted us to do 11 hour days, without planned breaks or even the ability to take lunch, when out in the field. Which is a big problem, because I'm not going behind a bush or in a cornfield, and we would be dealing with harsh chemicals with no ability to wash our hands even if we packed food for in the truck.

They changed my job title so I wouldn't get any bonuses like the other workers because I had another job that I needed to leave for in the late evening(well after a normal 8 hour shift). He had to be able to tell the other workers I get to leave “early” because no bonuses, otherwise it'd topple the house of cards.

I would of stuck out another day of videos but it was impossible to make myself that miserable again for so little money.

I didn't want to work two jobs (let alone 19-20 hours with two hours drive time on top of that) but with gas going up and needing work done on my vehicle…

Honestly I don't know how they made watering lawns into such a kafkaesque situation. I put my phone on do not disturb and have so many calls and messages from them.

I hope, I never go through anything like that again. Universal Basic Income or Unions at every job please. Otherwise I'm likely going to end up on unemployment after my vehicle finishes breaking the rest of the suspension if I don't find something soon.

TLDR: I turned into a pray mantis yesterday but thankfully escaped the pesticide.

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