
Expected snow ins and many bars are closing, except us. NYE already my last day anyway. F them.

We’re a nice spot that looks like we’re happy. Great food and cocktails. But owners are money grabbers and care not about us. Tried to make me still work when my SAH partner got Covid(from me clearly). Fired another for making a stand. Heat wave caused kitchen staff to pass out with 120degree kitchen and were told “just walk around when it’s too hot”. I told them it was against OSHA. They close next day. Got to 30degree recently and owner wanted our patio louvre door open for guests causing inside guests to see breath and us to freeze while working. Told them about OSHA temps again. Closed it until weather warms up. Put in my notice last week for last day NYE. Don’t think I’ll be making it after this email if I do get snowed in now.

We’re a nice spot that looks like we’re happy. Great food and cocktails. But owners are money grabbers and care not about us. Tried to make me still work when my SAH partner got Covid(from me clearly). Fired another for making a stand. Heat wave caused kitchen staff to pass out with 120degree kitchen and were told “just walk around when it’s too hot”. I told them it was against OSHA. They close next day. Got to 30degree recently and owner wanted our patio louvre door open for guests causing inside guests to see breath and us to freeze while working. Told them about OSHA temps again. Closed it until weather warms up. Put in my notice last week for last day NYE. Don’t think I’ll be making it after this email if I do get snowed in now.

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