
Question about legality and how far should I take this?

Got an anti work question- I’m trying to keep my staff from further screwing over one of my staff. I’ve got an employee (K), long story short, before K worked under me, had surgery and company rushed K back, K’s currently in pain. Since K started working for me I want to get the workspace optimized for ergonomics, only problem is K’s chair, current one exacerbates conditions. We easily have the money to accommodate, but jumping through corporate red tape, we’ve hit a snag, my staff is on 50/50 home and remote work. As it’s remote the company policy won’t allow for the chair to be bought. My position is that when K’s in the office, I (as the company grunt) am responsible for him. If J’s in the office 50% K’s further in pain Half the week making K less productive and more likely to need future treatment/accommodation. K…

Got an anti work question- I’m trying to keep my staff from further screwing over one of my staff.

I’ve got an employee (K), long story short, before K worked under me, had surgery and company rushed K back, K’s currently in pain.

Since K started working for me I want to get the workspace optimized for ergonomics, only problem is K’s chair, current one exacerbates conditions. We easily have the money to accommodate, but jumping through corporate red tape, we’ve hit a snag, my staff is on 50/50 home and remote work. As it’s remote the company policy won’t allow for the chair to be bought.

My position is that when K’s in the office, I (as the company grunt) am responsible for him. If J’s in the office 50% K’s further in pain Half the week making K less productive and more likely to need future treatment/accommodation.

K has also documented medical history with corporate medical and HR, so to me (not a lawyer) we’re knowingly failing to mitigate an employee’s medical hardship and exacerbating it. Doesn’t seem like you’d want that to end up in litigation (and K isn’t afraid of going to court).

My hard line in the sand is:

  1. K should be allowed to telework as all staff and be accommodated in office.

  2. This chair should be paid for by the company as it’s a “tool.”

  3. We have the money, but the damn thing.

Anything else y’all can think of?

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