
How can we truly gain collective power, topple the system and make sure that process creates more wealth?

And I don't want trite answers. I want answers that work. I'm starting the process of crowdsourcing (or rather, crowd-driving) this. Things companies do: Use your data without consent. Have you work long hours. Have unnecessary power dynamics. An idea that might change the shape of things: Co-op entrepreneurship. I've lately taken to calling myself a free-market communist, but the core of that idea is that people actually need to get organized and take the means of production away from the corporate assholes and bring the entrepreneurial process to the masses. Right now when people start businesses, it's like one person with a hero complex fights the difficulties of chaos and takes on all of the risk. Then when they're successful, they act like it was all hard work and not luck, and then they drive their employees around like slaves for having driven themselves like they're a slave to…

And I don't want trite answers. I want answers that work. I'm starting the process of crowdsourcing (or rather, crowd-driving) this.

Things companies do:

  • Use your data without consent.
  • Have you work long hours.
  • Have unnecessary power dynamics.

An idea that might change the shape of things:

  • Co-op entrepreneurship.

I've lately taken to calling myself a free-market communist, but the core of that idea is that people actually need to get organized and take the means of production away from the corporate assholes and bring the entrepreneurial process to the masses.

Right now when people start businesses, it's like one person with a hero complex fights the difficulties of chaos and takes on all of the risk. Then when they're successful, they act like it was all hard work and not luck, and then they drive their employees around like slaves for having driven themselves like they're a slave to themselves. How we treat ourselves reflects how we treat others. Distribute the risk and you're more likely to be successful; distribute the reward and inequality is reduced.

If we can develop a co-op entrepreneurial movement, that might actually stand a chance of knocking down some of the lone hero survivorship bias narcissists.

We should be building:

AI companies.
Engineering firms.

I've also been working on some processes by which intellectual property could be made semi-open source without making it fully open source, a sort of hybrid system.

I'm open to other ideas. But, again, I don't want trite answers. I want to really fucking solve this problem. I'm so sick and fucking tired of assholes running the world when there are so many good, powerful, competent people around.

I want people to feel their true power and true will-to-goodness in their bones.

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