
Company is a joke

In the fall, I found out my coworker, who was just hired this year, makes about $7,000/year more than me. I’ve been at the company for 5 years. We have been purchased by another company, so there’s been talk of equalling the pay gap between my company (usually lower wages) and the new company (pays higher to start). They made it sound like it would happen soon. However, they delayed until our year end reviews. Instead of giving me an equal amount or more, I was given a dollar and told that it was one of the highest raises. What a complete joke. This employee got $7000 more than me because he had two other offers and they were so desperate. I’ve been here 5 years (off and on for about 10). Ive got more than double his experience, I’ve got professional certifications that this employee doesn’t have, I do…

In the fall, I found out my coworker, who was just hired this year, makes about $7,000/year more than me. I’ve been at the company for 5 years.

We have been purchased by another company, so there’s been talk of equalling the pay gap between my company (usually lower wages) and the new company (pays higher to start). They made it sound like it would happen soon. However, they delayed until our year end reviews. Instead of giving me an equal amount or more, I was given a dollar and told that it was one of the highest raises. What a complete joke.

This employee got $7000 more than me because he had two other offers and they were so desperate. I’ve been here 5 years (off and on for about 10). Ive got more than double his experience, I’ve got professional certifications that this employee doesn’t have, I do more specific tasks that he doesn’t do, and basically I was told sorry we can’t raise everyone but we’ll do it over the next few years.

So, from now on, my salary will reflect my work. No more extra tasks, no more utilizing my professional certifications. I’m just done with this company. The moment I can, I’m out. But a part of my anxiety fueled mind thinks this is what they want. I do my job just fine, I work hard, there’s no reason to fire me. If they get rid of me I get my severance. But if they make me miserable enough to quit…so I’ll just continue to do the bare minimum that is required. I don’t give a hoot about a promotion any more. Screw them and their billions. Loyalty is the worst thing.

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