
I just quit my job because my boss is a dick and talks down to us

I asked a basic question and instead of answering it he was talking down to me so I told him to relax, it’s not a big deal I just need some help. He said “I’m your boss so…” and I cut him off saying I don’t want to work for you anymore and have fun trying to find another project manager after going through so many. I am very good at my job but the odd time I need to reach out for help and I’m tired of being talked down to for reaching out. I don’t need this assholes reference either so I told him I’m not coming back for the 2 week notice and that I don’t give a fuck about his reference. He was so shocked that I just said fuck it and quit. It felt good. Fuck you Rob. Maybe if you weren’t such a dick…

I asked a basic question and instead of answering it he was talking down to me so I told him to relax, it’s not a big deal I just need some help. He said “I’m your boss so…” and I cut him off saying I don’t want to work for you anymore and have fun trying to find another project manager after going through so many. I am very good at my job but the odd time I need to reach out for help and I’m tired of being talked down to for reaching out.

I don’t need this assholes reference either so I told him I’m not coming back for the 2 week notice and that I don’t give a fuck about his reference. He was so shocked that I just said fuck it and quit.

It felt good. Fuck you Rob. Maybe if you weren’t such a dick your employees wouldn’t quit and if you paid them enough maybe they’d be motivated to actually go above and beyond.

Good luck mother fucker! I have already spoken to my boss from my last company and he’s the only reference I need.

Edit: I want to add that upon leaving, I completely nuked my email inbox. I deleted everything and blocked important clients so I won’t get their emails anymore. Typically when someone leaves the company, the management team will access their email inbox and take over but I wanted to make it as miserable as possible for my boss because he chose to be an asshole.

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