
Boss wants me to drive an hour or more on icy roads

Throwaway account because I don't want to be traced. Second time writing this because of tech fuck ups. I enjoy working for a small housekeeping company. My boss is lovely and understanding to an extent. I don't get nearly enough hours as I'd like, but that's mostly due to my schedule which is opening up soon anyways. Two weeks ago I got into a car accident driving back from a client who is an hour away from where I live. The clients are also lovely and compensate me for the drive, the commute is not so lovely. My parents insisted on sending my car to repairs and so I've received a rental car for now. I don't get my car back 'till around or after the 29th. The day after the accident I was expected to work and I called out because of nerves. At the start of this week,…

Throwaway account because I don't want to be traced. Second time writing this because of tech fuck ups.

I enjoy working for a small housekeeping company. My boss is lovely and understanding to an extent. I don't get nearly enough hours as I'd like, but that's mostly due to my schedule which is opening up soon anyways.

Two weeks ago I got into a car accident driving back from a client who is an hour away from where I live. The clients are also lovely and compensate me for the drive, the commute is not so lovely. My parents insisted on sending my car to repairs and so I've received a rental car for now. I don't get my car back 'till around or after the 29th. The day after the accident I was expected to work and I called out because of nerves.

At the start of this week, snow has stuck about 3 inches everywhere with below freezing temperatures and has yet to go away.

Wednesday of this week I drove to a client's place very near to me, and yet I had a sort of nervous breakdown about how slippy and strange the roads were. They weren't so bad then, and only sent my car slipping around a little bit, but the roads around my apartment complex are not salted and I slipped about twice there and another time taking my client's trash out after my work. I had to also clean the snow off of my car with a small broom and dustpan since I left the scraper brush in the other car. I wasn't expecting more snow and ice honestly, it only snows once to at most three times here, but what do you know, climate change!

Today i woke up early this morning to get ready for my hour drive to the client where I had my accident last. As I was getting ready my friend's mom (I've been staying at my friend's place for a few months due to family emergency) cautioned me about the roads. Her friends have been telling her that a lot of roads are quite bad and slippery due to the freezing rain that came down last night and that there have been a lot of car accidents. I told her I had to drive because of work, so she just told me to be extra careful.

I went out to my car to try and depart early, but the doors were all frozen shut no matter how hard I tried to pull. Getting to the car and back, there were absolutely no safe spots on the road and i slipped three times on my ass which sent me into a terrified nervous breakdown. I went inside and filled up my water bottle with warm water that I was planning to pour in the crevice of the car door, crying along the way which alerted my friend's mom who talked to me and convinced me to just stay home and try and call out of work again today.

I texted my boss about it and she let me call out but I could tell she as unhappy about it because she told me that yesterday her and my coworker drove an hour on side roads in a FWD car to a client, and told me that only parking and side roads were bad, plus i had called out before in normal weather conditions due to driving trauma.

My boss tells me that she expects everyone to drive in the snow and rain and cautioned me about calling out anymore since it's affecting their small business.

I don't know. I value my life over getting to work. I feel bad for calling out about the twice or third time this month. Am I being unreasonable?

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