
The only thing standing between me and a dream job at my dream company is a bored, indifferent HR employee who knows nothing about my skillset and department

I've gone through 2 rounds of virtual interviews with this company with the same HR person. Every single time I've spoken to them it sounds like they're falling asleep. I try to list my accomplishments that would make me an ideal candidate and there's barely a response, they just move on to the next question on their list. At my second interview I got the feeling they didn't remember anything about my first interview. I was hoping after 2 interviews with the same HR drone that my next interview would be with someone from my team, who would actually understand what my skills are and how I would be an asset. Nope, interview 3 is with the head of HR, who also doesn't get what I do. It'll probably be 4 or 5 interviews before I even meet the team I'd be working with. This is a regional branch of…

I've gone through 2 rounds of virtual interviews with this company with the same HR person. Every single time I've spoken to them it sounds like they're falling asleep. I try to list my accomplishments that would make me an ideal candidate and there's barely a response, they just move on to the next question on their list.

At my second interview I got the feeling they didn't remember anything about my first interview.

I was hoping after 2 interviews with the same HR drone that my next interview would be with someone from my team, who would actually understand what my skills are and how I would be an asset. Nope, interview 3 is with the head of HR, who also doesn't get what I do. It'll probably be 4 or 5 interviews before I even meet the team I'd be working with.

This is a regional branch of a big company so I understand there would be some kind of buffer in the interview process, but this is getting ridiculous. The second interview was about skills, and the HR person straight up said they don't know any of the technical aspects of the job so I have no idea if they even recorded my answers properly in their notes.

I often wonder how many unqualified candidates are hired by HR because HR has no idea what their job actually entails, while perfect candidates are left behind. Every job I've worked at has someone who's absolutely horrible (Like a bookkeeper who didn't know how to use Excel or the accounting software).

Meanwhile, they said they wanted to fill the position “Very quickly”, yet it's been over a month since I first applied.

I wonder if McDonald's is hiring.

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