
“We Don’t Pay You to Build Desks”

This is a story of my first union job. I was really excited to get it, as I’d heard great things from a friend who worked there briefly. He left as the position wasn’t really challenging for him, but enjoyed the work. This company has been work-from home since about 2018, and I did notice things seemed to run a bit smoother. But what blew me away was when I was told to pick out a desk, chair, and bookshelf, and that they would be paid for by the company, as well as delivered and professionally assembled. This is on top of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit I got in my welcome package. I didn’t quite get it at first – it’s furniture for my apartment, I’m totally capable of assembling a shelf. But our workplace health and safety guy made it make sense: “We don’t pay you…

This is a story of my first union job. I was really excited to get it, as I’d heard great things from a friend who worked there briefly. He left as the position wasn’t really challenging for him, but enjoyed the work.

This company has been work-from home since about 2018, and I did notice things seemed to run a bit smoother.

But what blew me away was when I was told to pick out a desk, chair, and bookshelf, and that they would be paid for by the company, as well as delivered and professionally assembled. This is on top of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit I got in my welcome package.

I didn’t quite get it at first – it’s furniture for my apartment, I’m totally capable of assembling a shelf. But our workplace health and safety guy made it make sense: “We don’t pay you to build desks – you wouldn’t expect to show up at an office and have to build your cubicle. We’re still responsible for your well-being in your workplace, which just so happens to be a part of your home.”

This was such a breath of fresh air after two years of working from home on a wobbly used desk and task chair without arms.

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