
Given raise before union contract vote, results in solidifying members

My carpenters shop voted yesterday on accepting a three year contract which was unanimously shot down, and sent back for negotiation. This contract met only one of our requests; to create an official cabinet maker pay level. The heaviest nail in the contract coffin, was that roughly a quarter of the shop was given a significant raise the day before our vote. I was one of those given a raise which worked out to be the amount that we asked in negotiations to be paid to every member over a three year period. This underhanded tactic did not escape the eyes of our representatives who are looking into legal recourse. Always be sure to stand with your fellow workers, and share your wages! Never thought I’d have a story for this sub and I’m honestly disappointed that I do now.

My carpenters shop voted yesterday on accepting a three year contract which was unanimously shot down, and sent back for negotiation. This contract met only one of our requests; to create an official cabinet maker pay level. The heaviest nail in the contract coffin, was that roughly a quarter of the shop was given a significant raise the day before our vote. I was one of those given a raise which worked out to be the amount that we asked in negotiations to be paid to every member over a three year period. This underhanded tactic did not escape the eyes of our representatives who are looking into legal recourse. Always be sure to stand with your fellow workers, and share your wages! Never thought I’d have a story for this sub and I’m honestly disappointed that I do now.

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