
Appraisal Time Or Adding Insult To Hard Work

So as we all already moved into 2022 and appraisal cycle is almost close too I just want to share my story. Apparantly my work has satisfactory, sucessful and exceptional rating during annual rating. Guess what I've worked around 10-11hrs shift for last 2yrs when my shift is of 9.5hr including 1hr break. During annual review my supervisor said you're rated as successful only cause your work is monotonous and you're really good at it and don't seek interest in learning other stuff about work. Plus you don't interact much with leaders too. (Note : This is customer based company and its nothing like they're teaching data science or shit, it's just learning about other services provided by them to their customer which obviously wouldn't add any value to my resume in future. I was willing to learn MIS and Excel stuff but they're too afraid of it cause then…

So as we all already moved into 2022 and appraisal cycle is almost close too I just want to share my story.

Apparantly my work has satisfactory, sucessful and exceptional rating during annual rating. Guess what I've worked around 10-11hrs shift for last 2yrs when my shift is of 9.5hr including 1hr break. During annual review my supervisor said you're rated as successful only cause your work is monotonous and you're really good at it and don't seek interest in learning other stuff about work. Plus you don't interact much with leaders too. (Note : This is customer based company and its nothing like they're teaching data science or shit, it's just learning about other services provided by them to their customer which obviously wouldn't add any value to my resume in future. I was willing to learn MIS and Excel stuff but they're too afraid of it cause then they'll have to let me train on it on a longer period which means I'll not be helping them on their real work)

My colleague who work for exact 8.5hrs and logoff was tagged exceptional cause he talk with supervisor group and share meme with them. He sleeps during working hours while I'm covering his ass and get things done but for them it's monotonous.

I'm so pissed off right now that I feel like destroying their WFH setup cause I worked so hard just to hear this bullshit from people. Now they're asking me to learn and explore more cause then I'll have chances to be more successful at work.

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