
A coworker I dislike quit. Now I feel empty and want to quit as well.

I am 21M and work with a coworker around my age I disliked ever since I started working there 3 years ago. I would meet her just once a week on our shifts but that was enough for her to piss me off multiple times. We got into so many arguments I already would’ve retired for every dollar we fought. 2 weeks ago, I heard she submitted her notice since she got a job overseas at a different corporation and initially thought to myself, “Finally!”. But after a week or so, I had the weird feeling that I was going to miss her. At her very last day we ended up speaking to each other in a nicely fashion and talked about our lives. We even had lunch together which was a first. Turns out we have more in common than we thought. Well today was my first day without…

I am 21M and work with a coworker around my age I disliked ever since I started working there 3 years ago. I would meet her just once a week on our shifts but that was enough for her to piss me off multiple times. We got into so many arguments I already would’ve retired for every dollar we fought.

2 weeks ago, I heard she submitted her notice since she got a job overseas at a different corporation and initially thought to myself, “Finally!”. But after a week or so, I had the weird feeling that I was going to miss her. At her very last day we ended up speaking to each other in a nicely fashion and talked about our lives. We even had lunch together which was a first. Turns out we have more in common than we thought.

Well today was my first day without her and I feel so lonely, even with my other coworkers I am fond of. I just want to quit.

I certainly don’t miss fighting her, I just miss her.

Is there some sort of syndrome I am dealing with? If so, how do I deal with it?

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