
A permanent fatigue

I always feel tired, even when I wake up late in the morning. That's weird! In this writing, I want to make some points about permanent fatigue hopefully it can help. Fatigue is a feeling of weakness and lack of energy in the body. In addition, it can be physical, psychological or a combination of both. Almost all people have experienced fatigue at some point in their life. In most cases, it is transient and is caused by excessive activity, sleep deprivation, long stress, etc. But sometimes it may be a symptom of a physical or mental illness. In this case, the fatigue is continuous, it does not go away with rest, and it progresses over time and causes a decrease in the motivation, energy and concentration of the person. Sometimes fatigue may be a symptom of a physical or mental illness. In this case, the fatigue is continuous, it…

I always feel tired, even when I wake up late in the morning. That's weird! In this writing, I want to make some points about permanent fatigue hopefully it can help.

Fatigue is a feeling of weakness and lack of energy in the body. In addition, it can be physical, psychological or a combination of both. Almost all people have experienced fatigue at some point in their life. In most cases, it is transient and is caused by excessive activity, sleep deprivation, long stress, etc. But sometimes it may be a symptom of a physical or mental illness. In this case, the fatigue is continuous, it does not go away with rest, and it progresses over time and causes a decrease in the motivation, energy and concentration of the person.

Sometimes fatigue may be a symptom of a physical or mental illness. In this case, the fatigue is continuous, it does not go away with rest, and it progresses over time and causes a decrease in the motivation, energy and concentration of the person. If you feel tired for no reason, it is better to visit your general practitioner to check your health. After examining your conditions, the doctor will refer you to the relevant specialist if necessary.

What are the causes of fatigue?

Fatigue can have many causes. Most of the time, it is caused by daily activities and wrong life habits such as not exercising, insomnia, alcohol consumption, etc. It may also be a symptom of a physical illness (thyroid or heart problems) or mental illness (depression and anxiety) and needs treatment.

Habits and lifestyle:

Some of the bad habits and ways of life that can cause it are:

– Drug and alcohol use

– Excessive physical activity

– Flight sickness (jet lag disorder occurs when you travel to a place with a time difference and have a sleep schedule disturbance.)

– inactivity

– insomnia

– Medicines such as antihistamines and cough suppressants

– Unhealthy eating habits

Fatigue treatment

As mentioned, fatigue is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of a disease. To reduce it, you must first know what is its main reason? If fatigue affects your quality of life, work and social performance, you should see a doctor. By taking history, performing examination and tests, the doctor can diagnose the cause and provide effective treatment. However, fortunately, in most cases, it improves by itself by changing habits and lifestyle.

When should we go to the doctor for treatment?

– If you see any of the following symptoms, go to the emergency room:

– If it is due to psychological problems and accompanied by symptoms such as suicidal thoughts or harm to others.

– accompanied by chest pain

– accompanied by shortness of breath

– accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, pelvis and back

Also, if the fatigue you experience lasts more than two weeks and does not go away despite rest, stress reduction, proper diet and drinking a lot of fluids, you should see a general practitioner.

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