I feel like many industries exploit 'unskilled' or 'cheap labor'. I see it everyday in grocery stores, factories, restaurants, etc. Chain restaurants, walmarts or amazons have a large market share of everyday life here but offer little compensation. Where are anti-trust laws? Whose representing all the people doing the work? IS THERE EVEN A CHOICE? Some places you literally cannot find work unless your work for one of these guys. Societal unrest will only get worse and then it will collapse. The government tells you to your face they don't care about you as a human but the corporation? sure do. Love them. They want unemployment to rise because we the people have too much power and its finally in our favor. covid was a wake up call. Trillions wiped and they just signed trillions again. USA can't even get free healthcare during a global pandemic. Your country is a joke. Your police are a joke. global fed and reason for mass suffering across the globe. Shit country with shit inhabitants. Stockholm syndrome is real and a lot of you suffer from it.