
Pregnant and being put on “unpaid leave” due to absences at work

Not sure if this fits here, but I’ll try. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and recently got told my work is putting me on “unpaid leave” in January because I’m unreliable for showing up at work lately. I have moderate HG and it’s been a struggle this entire pregnancy to keep food down. I’m still only 2 pounds above my pre pregnancy weight even at 30 weeks. I’m on 3 different medications and they help some days but not others. I literally cannot help it if I’m on the toilet vomiting for hours before a shift and don’t want to come in to work to continue to do the same thing. My question is, being as it’s directly pregnancy related, can I go on unemployment while on this “unpaid leave”? They want me to come back to my two roles after the baby is born and I’m cleared to go…

Not sure if this fits here, but I’ll try. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and recently got told my work is putting me on “unpaid leave” in January because I’m unreliable for showing up at work lately. I have moderate HG and it’s been a struggle this entire pregnancy to keep food down. I’m still only 2 pounds above my pre pregnancy weight even at 30 weeks. I’m on 3 different medications and they help some days but not others. I literally cannot help it if I’m on the toilet vomiting for hours before a shift and don’t want to come in to work to continue to do the same thing.

My question is, being as it’s directly pregnancy related, can I go on unemployment while on this “unpaid leave”? They want me to come back to my two roles after the baby is born and I’m cleared to go back, but I’m unsure if it’s worth it. Obviously I can’t change jobs now coz I doubt anywhere is going to hire me at 30 weeks (I’m due to deliver in 6-7 weeks due to a previous c section). I’ve also had several miscarriages before this and infant loss so it wasn’t planned to get pregnant so soon after my daughters loss, but things happen (I had severe undiagnosed HG with that pregnancy too). When I started the job in July I found out 2 weeks later that I was almost 7 weeks along, so it’s not like I purposely hid it from them- I didn’t know at the time of hiring. I had to tell them early due to the nature of my job- certain things are highly unsafe for pregnant women to do so I had to tell them so I’d be excused from that work. Everything else I’m supposed to do, I do within reason. I’m high risk too so I have weight restrictions that have come up as I progressed and I have break/ sit down times (per my OB) I have to be allowed to do to rest. Just trying to figure out what to do coz I can’t afford to go on “maternity leave” that early.

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