
Was told this by my boss via text in response to needing to take a personal day to move furnature: “We are really short staffed and attendence is critical. Perhaps this work isn’t suitable if alternative arrangements can’t be made.”

am I crazy for being annoyed at that response? It feels really guilt trippy and condescending for absolutely no reason, like absolutely no compassion or empathy. My mom is moving out, and along with that, furnature. I live with my grandma so I'm the only muscle who can reasonable do a good amount of lifting. there aren't a lot of days in the week to do this so naturally I need to take a personal day for more time. Why is this such a big issue?

am I crazy for being annoyed at that response? It feels really guilt trippy and condescending for absolutely no reason, like absolutely no compassion or empathy. My mom is moving out, and along with that, furnature. I live with my grandma so I'm the only muscle who can reasonable do a good amount of lifting. there aren't a lot of days in the week to do this so naturally I need to take a personal day for more time. Why is this such a big issue?

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