
Did I make the right choice passing on a job offer?

So I had a recent situation where I passed on a job after they agreed to hire me. So I got mix opinions when I told different people about it. Can you all give me your opinion on my decision? So here's what happened: So it's an entry level job as a bank teller. Basically I got interviewed and they got back to me about a month later telling me that I need to send them photos of various IDs in order for them to do a background check. I explained to them some of my ID is at my parent's place and I would be able to send it to them a day or 2 before Christmas since I will be there for Christmas to visit family. (This happened about a week before Christmas). They told me just to send them the IDs before Christmas and I was like…

So I had a recent situation where I passed on a job after they agreed to hire me. So I got mix opinions when I told different people about it. Can you all give me your opinion on my decision? So here's what happened:

So it's an entry level job as a bank teller. Basically I got interviewed and they got back to me about a month later telling me that I need to send them photos of various IDs in order for them to do a background check. I explained to them some of my ID is at my parent's place and I would be able to send it to them a day or 2 before Christmas since I will be there for Christmas to visit family. (This happened about a week before Christmas). They told me just to send them the IDs before Christmas and I was like I will do that. Well, 2 days later they called me back and start rushing me to send the ID. I explained to them again about my ID situation in which they ask me if I can drive back to my parent's place that day. I said no, then they ask me if I can call and ask my parent to send photos of the ID like right now. I had to tell them they work too and I can ask later that day. We then went into detail about one particular ID that I'm not sure where it is but I told them I can look when I'm back at my parent's place for Christmas. So after that day I didn't feel good about the conversation because basically before I even started working, they're making assumptions and telling me what to do. I just feel like if that's how they are like now, imagine how I will be treated after I start working. I ended up passing on the job and I already told them so it's already done.

A few of my friends that I told said that their attitude is a bit intrusive by asking me to drive back home or asking my parent for photos of the document. Like it would have been ok if they simply ask if it's possible to get the documents in sooner. Other people I told said that I passed on a good job opportunity and that I should have at least start and that I can always quit after a week or 2 if I don't like it. Some told me that despite the company initially saying I have until Christmas to get the documents ready, I should have it sooner. Some told me that a job normally would give you at least a week to get documents ready. So can you all tell, did I make a reasonable decision passing on the job over their pushy attitude on getting documents from me?

Update: I should also put that this is a rather low paying job about $17 an hour, also the commute one way is about 40 minutes, so it's not exactly convenient or high pay. Also it's full time Monday to Friday. Even Mcdonald's near me are paying $16 an hour and I can probably make $17 or more an hour at Starbucks or another drink/food place.

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