
I used to be a stand out employee but I just don’t want to anymore? Lost.

So this is a semi rant semi discussion. I apologize in advance for formatting. I just am curious to see if anyone else has been in a similar situation as myself. I have no college degree, worked to the bone in retail for 20+ years in leadership roles. The pandemic hit and retail was different and I job hopped a bit between 2017-2020 to gain salary increases making $70,000 in my last management role. I now work a remote entry level job that continues to give us more and more responsibility. The only issue is this is very much a work at your own pace type place. I used to take a ton of work and be a top performer. I’ve now intentionally stopped taking as much work because why should I make entry level pay but be doing more work than higher level employees? Why should I be the…

So this is a semi rant semi discussion. I apologize in advance for formatting. I just am curious to see if anyone else has been in a similar situation as myself.
I have no college degree, worked to the bone in retail for 20+ years in leadership roles. The pandemic hit and retail was different and I job hopped a bit between 2017-2020 to gain salary increases making $70,000 in my last management role. I now work a remote entry level job that continues to give us more and more responsibility. The only issue is this is very much a work at your own pace type place. I used to take a ton of work and be a top performer. I’ve now intentionally stopped taking as much work because why should I make entry level pay but be doing more work than higher level employees? Why should I be the one to volunteer when no one else does? Why should I continue to work the bitch shift when people that started after me don’t?
Is it really true that the squeaky wheel gets the oil? I just am trying to be very reflective and understand employee behavior. I dunno. I’m rambling. Has anyone else decided to lay firm boundaries with work that hasn’t had boundaries with work before?
What’s next for me?

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