
Employer ghosted me, now claiming I quit with UID, DoL not pursuing unpaid wages

I worked as a tele-underwriter for over 1 year. Fully remote, never physically saw anyone I worked with. Upon onboarding we signed a document stating we’d clock out when encountering over 30 minutes of downtime. There was so much downtime (due to servers, program errors, crummy device problems). We all clocked out so much, hardly ever making 40hrs/wk on the clock. But, we were instructed to remain active for our shift and work on device errors off the clock. (I’ve got copies of the policy and supervisor instruction). Around mid-November my computer became inoperable. Couldn’t stay in production at all, clocking out daily after 30minutes. Programs continually shutdown and gave out errors. I followed their procedure: contacted leadership, and IT. Tickets were made by me and ignored by the IT teams. Then, late November I lost all access to my device. Couldn’t use my login at all, couldn’t access my…

I worked as a tele-underwriter for over 1 year. Fully remote, never physically saw anyone I worked with.

Upon onboarding we signed a document stating we’d clock out when encountering over 30 minutes of downtime. There was so much downtime (due to servers, program errors, crummy device problems). We all clocked out so much, hardly ever making 40hrs/wk on the clock. But, we were instructed to remain active for our shift and work on device errors off the clock. (I’ve got copies of the policy and supervisor instruction).

Around mid-November my computer became inoperable. Couldn’t stay in production at all, clocking out daily after 30minutes. Programs continually shutdown and gave out errors. I followed their procedure: contacted leadership, and IT. Tickets were made by me and ignored by the IT teams. Then, late November I lost all access to my device. Couldn’t use my login at all, couldn’t access my work email. Couldn’t clock in for 30minutes daily, awaiting resolution. Couldn’t follow up with IT.

I called our company, looking to speak with my assigned supervisor- but was always redirected and hung up on (in all fairness our work is essentially a glorified call-center, no one knows how to properly operate redirections). I spoke with HR, which instructed me to fax a request for information (they stated I was no longer in the system as an employee, the fax was never responded to. I also followed up with an email to HR, all left unresponded to).

In early December I was sent an email to my personal email. This email was from an unknown individual at the company, stating “please see attached FedEx label and return all company property”. I responded, questioning the status of my employment- I was never responded to. I did send in all their property timely

I filed for unemployment. It took a few weeks but I was approved, I was able to pay my bills for the months of November and December.

Now- recently Unemployment states my approval has been changed, because I quit… And I am required to pay back all the funds given… I have been attending interviews (gone to three and submitted countless applications), but I do not have a job… I have filed for an appeal and sent in all related information. I feel awful.

Additionally, I contacted the department of labor- regarding the policy of clocked out and remaining active. They stated it was not engaged to wait time, and it will not be pursued because it is unlikely that the hours worked caused employees to make less than the federal minimum wage. (All employees made minimum $15/hr, I made $16.10)

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