
Goals and other ridiculous things

Why do companies like to make employees do BS crap like “declare set goals” & fill out self reviews?? Us little people don’t need to be on zoom calls about company financials with a bunch of C-level suits who make our annual salary in a month. I don’t care about team building, I don’t have goals and I certainly have NO idea where I see myself in 5 freakin years. I am here to do this specific job you pay me for. If you want to review/inspect my work, you as a manager can see all my metrics. I shouldn’t have to compile all that for you once a year and talk about my “growth & accomplishments” in a self review. This is nothing against workers who do have plans to move up & have set goals for themselves. I’m just saying companies shouldn’t REQUIRE us to do this busywork…

Why do companies like to make employees do BS crap like “declare set goals” & fill out self reviews??

Us little people don’t need to be on zoom calls about company financials with a bunch of C-level suits who make our annual salary in a month. I don’t care about team building, I don’t have goals and I certainly have NO idea where I see myself in 5 freakin years.

I am here to do this specific job you pay me for. If you want to review/inspect my work, you as a manager can see all my metrics. I shouldn’t have to compile all that for you once a year and talk about my “growth & accomplishments” in a self review.

This is nothing against workers who do have plans to move up & have set goals for themselves. I’m just saying companies shouldn’t REQUIRE us to do this busywork because we don’t all have that ambition and force us to just to fill their own egos.

Can’t we just do our jobs and be left alone? Stop treating us like we’re here chasing a passion. We’re here because we enjoy having shelter & food.

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