
Can work make you use PTO if they felt you weren’t productive?

Hey y'all, as the title says is this something a job can do? My friend just had this happen to him. They told him they didn't feel he was productive enough so either use PTO to cover the day or come in on a day off to make up the time. I don't feel like they're allowed to do that and I'm trying to find something to send to him so he can stand his ground. They also mentioned that they're planning to put him on a PIP if they don't see him doing better. This is the first time he's gotten a warning, verbal or otherwise, and it feels completely out of left field. He has complained that his boss has been very short with him recently (within the last month) and doing things like giving EOD deadlines in the middle of the day. I've already warned my friend…

Hey y'all, as the title says is this something a job can do?

My friend just had this happen to him. They told him they didn't feel he was productive enough so either use PTO to cover the day or come in on a day off to make up the time. I don't feel like they're allowed to do that and I'm trying to find something to send to him so he can stand his ground.

They also mentioned that they're planning to put him on a PIP if they don't see him doing better. This is the first time he's gotten a warning, verbal or otherwise, and it feels completely out of left field. He has complained that his boss has been very short with him recently (within the last month) and doing things like giving EOD deadlines in the middle of the day. I've already warned my friend to start seriously looking for other work as this seems to tb the start of them giving him the boot.

Any advice about the PTO thing would be greatly appreciated.

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