
I want to leave my job after 2 and a half months. Am I being unreasonable?

I own my own business and I really enjoy it as my main job. I make 200-300 hundred dollars a day. I also try to work part time evening/night jobs so I always have experience if shit hits the fan on top of my business. I work 60 hours a week. My previous part time job was in retail. I loved my boss, my coworkers, and the work was low pressure. I was there for 4 years but then left due to conflict of interest. I then got a part time third shift job working at a gas station. The work is fine, as it’s located in a very safe neighborhood. I like the morning customers and I like that im left alone for most of the night. It’s pretty chill until my boss comes in for the last 30 min of my shift. My boss is a total bitch.…

I own my own business and I really enjoy it as my main job. I make 200-300 hundred dollars a day. I also try to work part time evening/night jobs so I always have experience if shit hits the fan on top of my business. I work 60 hours a week.

My previous part time job was in retail. I loved my boss, my coworkers, and the work was low pressure. I was there for 4 years but then left due to conflict of interest.

I then got a part time third shift job working at a gas station. The work is fine, as it’s located in a very safe neighborhood. I like the morning customers and I like that im left alone for most of the night. It’s pretty chill until my boss comes in for the last 30 min of my shift.

My boss is a total bitch. I was trained for 2 days and then was thrown out on my own. She likes to slam things, huff, and get passive aggressive if something isn’t done correctly when she comes in. She won’t pull me aside to show me the proper way. She leaves notes on the counter. Last night she left a note that called me “lazy and ridiculous.” She also threatened me with a write up. Nothing was said to me in person when she came in the next morning. She left the note in plan site where all of my coworkers also read the paper. There was no discretion.

I also found out I’m the work scapegoat. People on second shift are super nice to my face, but I’m blamed for everything that goes wrong in the store. My coworkers frequently leave me with part of their job, but if I do the same to them it’s not okay “because I have the quiet shift.” I’m called names behind my back. I’m quickly approaching 30 while my coworkers are mostly 18-21 year olds. I’m exhausted by the high school mentality. Part of me wonders if it’s jealously because they know I’m financially in a good place and they are struggling with supporting their kids and spouses.

One of the requirements I had for the job was that I needed a couple of weeks off per year because I vacation. My manager reassured me at the interview that “that wouldn’t be a problem.” I requested off for 9 days in May and she told me that “she would let me know a week or two in advance.” Like… that doesn’t leave a whole lot of time to book the condo, the rental, or to plan fun stuff.

I’m thinking about giving her my two weeks the first week of April, but I’m so nervous. I think she’s a crap manager. I do enjoy the job itself and I do appreciate her giving me a chance however. She can be kind, but I can only think of two instances she was nice to me during my 2 month period there.

I’m 80 percent sure this is something I want to do. It’s minimum wage pay, and she runs the place like a military ship. I have worked in management in the past, and the pay was wayyyy better with less work. I find her expectations ridiculous and I find her to be a terrible person to be in management. She gets paid 6 figures a year while I get paid peanuts, yet she expects me to run her business like it’s my own.

Should I stay longer out of respect? People work jobs they hate everyday. I know this is antiwork and your responses will be pretty obvious, but have you done this yourself personally?

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