
My wife’s toxic boss

My wife is a preschool director and teacher. Her boss is probably a legitimate narcissist and creates the most toxic workplace for her employees. She doesn't have a single flipping clue how to work with children and only went into business as a preschool because she thought it was a good strategy for making money. She hired my wife because she actually has the degree, experience, and knowledge to operate a preschool effectively. The woman claims she only wants to do the accounting and yet micromanages my wife to the point she can't do her job. She badmouths everyone behind their backs and gives herself credit for keeping the place going. When she is distracted enough by something else my wife is able to get things organized again enough to make things run smoothly. Boss lady will even congratulate and compliment my wife on how well things are going and…

My wife is a preschool director and teacher. Her boss is probably a legitimate narcissist and creates the most toxic workplace for her employees. She doesn't have a single flipping clue how to work with children and only went into business as a preschool because she thought it was a good strategy for making money. She hired my wife because she actually has the degree, experience, and knowledge to operate a preschool effectively. The woman claims she only wants to do the accounting and yet micromanages my wife to the point she can't do her job. She badmouths everyone behind their backs and gives herself credit for keeping the place going.

When she is distracted enough by something else my wife is able to get things organized again enough to make things run smoothly. Boss lady will even congratulate and compliment my wife on how well things are going and agrees the methods that my wife is using are superior. Then once she starts to get involved again she starts complaining about everything and contradicting the things she just praised my wife for.

Supposedly she has degrees in business and accounting, but I feel she is either incompetent or a crook (or both). She tells my wife to come up with lists of supplies they need to run the preschool, and when my wife gives it to her it is always dismissed because it is too expensive. One day my wife asked for a $1 poster board, and was denied because it wasn't in the budget. On the other hand, this woman spent easily $10k on a birthday party for herself. When people couldn't attend, she would guilt them and harass them until they gave in. She has also continuously questioned my wife about why we keep having kids (we are on our third pregnancy). It is no surprise she is single with no kids.

After a number of employees left, my wife was the most senior employee there. She was then promoted to director but was forced to stay on as a teacher too. She is not given the appropriate amount of time to do the director duties and her boss constantly guilts her for not being able to keep up with the workload. She did get a raise but not near enough for everything she has been tasked to do, which the list of responsibilities her boss expects of her is nebulous and ever growing. When my wife stands her ground and says that her boss wasn't clear about her expectations, her boss wraps it back around on her and says “I thought it would have been obvious to someone who has a degree.”

The stories that have come from less a year of employment at this place are endless. If you want I will add more but I feel this post is getting plenty long as is.

I have told my wife to quit, but she has some misplaced sense of nobility here that she feels obligated to stay for the benefit of the kids. Honestly, I think she should quit because the whole place will fall in less than a month without her.

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