
Job offering bonus for far away, high profit yielding day, but only once.

My job has a high profit yielding shift at a further than normal job site. The first couple times they were offering a bonus which made it worth the drive. However, now I am scheduled there without any bonus offer and gas prices have gone up substantially without an increase in my mileage reimbursement. How should I go about asking for the same terms as last time, I feel like I'm being used, which I probably am.

My job has a high profit yielding shift at a further than normal job site. The first couple times they were offering a bonus which made it worth the drive. However, now I am scheduled there without any bonus offer and gas prices have gone up substantially without an increase in my mileage reimbursement. How should I go about asking for the same terms as last time, I feel like I'm being used, which I probably am.

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