
antiwork and not anti-succes/money

Why did this subreddit get so hostile and stuck up. It is the same energy that a lot of people are trying to escape from. This subreddit was once helping and guiding people away from toxic workplaces and getting more people to life live. Now it's just about hating on people with succes, and bring a lot of hostile energy to different opinions. Sad to see this subreddit evolve into every other toxic and boring subreddit. Sad times.

Why did this subreddit get so hostile and stuck up. It is the same energy that a lot of people are trying to escape from. This subreddit was once helping and guiding people away from toxic workplaces and getting more people to life live. Now it's just about hating on people with succes, and bring a lot of hostile energy to different opinions. Sad to see this subreddit evolve into every other toxic and boring subreddit. Sad times.

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