
My Doctor and my HR is about to get into it.

Y’all, I got to tell y’all something. I’m still shocked. I done submitted this post in askHR for some clarification on this. But, I’m sharing it here too. So, I submitted my accommodations letter because I have ADHD and taking medication has to be shown at my job just in case I get drug screen. Well my doctor wrote the accommodations letter explaining my mental health diagnose, the accommodations I will need, and the mg I take for my ADHD medication. Well, HR said “it’s not acceptable” and my doctor needed to write my accommodations to all 14 bullet points. I go to my doctor and rely what HR said. My doctor flat out said, “ No. I am not writing all your accommodations to each bullet point on that paper. The letter I wrote explaining the accommodations you needed is acceptable for ADA standards. Plus, ADHD is a changing…

Y’all, I got to tell y’all something. I’m still shocked. I done submitted this post in askHR for some clarification on this. But, I’m sharing it here too.

So, I submitted my accommodations letter because I have ADHD and taking medication has to be shown at my job just in case I get drug screen. Well my doctor wrote the accommodations letter explaining my mental health diagnose, the accommodations I will need, and the mg I take for my ADHD medication.

Well, HR said “it’s not acceptable” and my doctor needed to write my accommodations to all 14 bullet points.

I go to my doctor and rely what HR said. My doctor flat out said, “ No. I am not writing all your accommodations to each bullet point on that paper. The letter I wrote explaining the accommodations you needed is acceptable for ADA standards. Plus, ADHD is a changing factor that can’t be limited. Every situation and every experience will be a changing factor for you.”

I asked my doctor to add an extra sentence that stated the title of my company and to add “including essentials functions at work under (my company name) and my position as well.” I asked the doctor to write that just in case my HR was truly unable to actually distinguish how my ADHD affects all job duties at my work.

Towards the end my doctor said, “Now, I can do that for you, but your HR has an problem with this then me, you, and HR will need to have an phone conference because I know how to do my job and I know the law. Besides, the form he gave you isn’t even an legal form that is specifically for me to write statements under explaining your ADHD. It’s a form for employee signature. Your HR does know that any form of your mental health being easily observed, showing them the prescription bottle, and the many conversations you have had about your ADHD is also acceptable right?”

Then my doctor discussed how he felt insulted by HR and how the HR request was a form of covering their butt.

The back story. one of the managers at my job is in deep trouble for breaking ADA accommodations and hostile work environment towards me and many others. So, my doctor said this is a case where HR might be trying to get rid of the manager that continues to behave this way.

I do get why my doctor feels this way. Honestly, I have no problem with my HR person they been honestly good to me with this and I do feel like the person is helping me and removing toxic management. But, this request was crazy, because I was like you want me to tell my doctor how to do his job.

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