
I agree with akot of stuff here but.

It's weird how all of you disregard anything and everything about a situation or a person just to talk your shit. Sometimes yes that boss trying to force you to come in? Fuck that guy but sometimes you shouldn't be mad you got fired for you preformence right. So back and forth boss is bad and you all will never admit to being bad guys occasionally. Like I saw a guy getting hyped up for applying to be a manager working two days then quiting because he just wanted free food. Like excuse me why we hype that guy other than all of your heads up up your own asses? Also this place has a rule against q y famous person and anything else talking about trying to help but will always take the post or comments from a famous and use it to get a circle jerk of hate…

It's weird how all of you disregard anything and everything about a situation or a person just to talk your shit. Sometimes yes that boss trying to force you to come in? Fuck that guy but sometimes you shouldn't be mad you got fired for you preformence right. So back and forth boss is bad and you all will never admit to being bad guys occasionally. Like I saw a guy getting hyped up for applying to be a manager working two days then quiting because he just wanted free food. Like excuse me why we hype that guy other than all of your heads up up your own asses? Also this place has a rule against q y famous person and anything else talking about trying to help but will always take the post or comments from a famous and use it to get a circle jerk of hate going at the same time. Ima say it I made this over alot of recent post that look fake qnd the Elon hate I've been seeing so much of. I get it you're all poor, you're all angry and you're all jealous. “He was born into his money” legit no proof of that and qlot of things ha e been debunked next “well working this long for this much money wouldn't make what he has” yes because you ha e to be intelligent a d invest in this type of world we live in. Next “everyone says he's the worst Voss they've had” so do Amazon workers. I wish you all would be more constructive but all I ever see here is whiny little pieces of shits crying and screaming. You wont get anything done besides making yourselves like every other subreddit and that's a joke.

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