
Hi all, was looking for some help. I was let go from my job last month and just had my phone interview with unemployment. They asked me to send my offer letter in and on the final page it says it’s “at will employment”, meaning the owner can fire me without reason.

Does this automatically cancel my claim…? He let me go and said it was because I missed a lot of time and it was more than the rest of the staff combined which was a complete lie. I had doctors orders for tests I needed to do, and he approved me taking these days off. I also came to work sick twice and he sent me home. Meanwhile, his kids who work for him would miss work a lot for personal appointments, while mine were medical. He also offered me a week off in December and I declined because I couldn’t afford to take it unpaid. It was after I used my 3 days of sick time. He let 3 employees come to work with Covid as well, didn’t ask anyone to distance or wear masks and did not provide any paid time off for Covid, just the 3 days…

Does this automatically cancel my claim…? He let me go and said it was because I missed a lot of time and it was more than the rest of the staff combined which was a complete lie. I had doctors orders for tests I needed to do, and he approved me taking these days off. I also came to work sick twice and he sent me home. Meanwhile, his kids who work for him would miss work a lot for personal appointments, while mine were medical. He also offered me a week off in December and I declined because I couldn’t afford to take it unpaid. It was after I used my 3 days of sick time. He let 3 employees come to work with Covid as well, didn’t ask anyone to distance or wear masks and did not provide any paid time off for Covid, just the 3 days of sick time he gives everyone else. I told unemployment all of this. Just not sure if that “at will employment” thing in the offer letter will bite me in the butt. He also said he didn’t like that I was negative and didn’t share in his enthusiasm, after I reminded him that my absences were for medical problems.

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