
Possible Unionization

I’ve been working at a supermarket in WI for a couple weeks now. Prior to starting there, I was part of a unionized Kroger for 2+ years. It didn’t take long for me to see how awful this new store is, and I think unionizing may be able to improve conditions. I know what it’s like to be part of a union, but not much about starting one. My dad told me I shouldn’t do it – they could fire me. I also go away for college in August and he basically said, why not just deal with it for 5 months? I thought he might support me because he’s a strong union supporter and even led strikes back in the 80s. His reaction wasn’t what I expected, and I honestly don’t agree with the idea of “dealing with it” for 5 months. Even if I’m in college, I still…

I’ve been working at a supermarket in WI for a couple weeks now. Prior to starting there, I was part of a unionized Kroger for 2+ years. It didn’t take long for me to see how awful this new store is, and I think unionizing may be able to improve conditions.

I know what it’s like to be part of a union, but not much about starting one. My dad told me I shouldn’t do it – they could fire me. I also go away for college in August and he basically said, why not just deal with it for 5 months?

I thought he might support me because he’s a strong union supporter and even led strikes back in the 80s. His reaction wasn’t what I expected, and I honestly don’t agree with the idea of “dealing with it” for 5 months. Even if I’m in college, I still may return during holidays and summers. And if not, a union is going to help so many people beyond myself.

I’ve been there for about 3 weeks. I’ve already been bait-and-switched and given a 90 cent pay decrease from what was promised in my interview, I’ve seen management disrespect young workers and even a disabled customer, I’ve noticed unfair pay gaps… it all bothers me more than it should. I know I’m new. But as I enter this next part of life I want to have a memorable impact on this store that, despite just joining last month, has become a big part of my life taking up lots of my time.

If I got fired, so what? It’s three weeks. I have no loyalty to them. I have an impressive resume and experience that could land me lots of other jobs. I’m also a small business owner and always have the option to just focus on expanding that.

But now? Now, my dream is a union. I want this shithole to not be so shitty. I already got in touch with the UFCW. I’m just a kid with big dreams and nothing to lose, so as much as I want things to work, I won’t be crying about any possible retaliation.

But, should I go for it? Should I actually continue my efforts to start a union at my store?

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