
Old guy I work with thinks it’s my responsibility to train my own replacement

Title pretty much says it. I'm leaving my job soon to start training for a new job. I've been in the application process for this new job for a long time, and everyone I work with has known that I'd be leaving eventually. I got the call a few days ago that my training for new job starts in about a month. I'm giving just over 3 weeks notice, because the boss is actually great. But this other guy I work with thinks I pretty much need to find and train a replacement for myself before I go. Hes also got the “noone wants to work these days” attitude. Fuckin boomers.

Title pretty much says it. I'm leaving my job soon to start training for a new job. I've been in the application process for this new job for a long time, and everyone I work with has known that I'd be leaving eventually. I got the call a few days ago that my training for new job starts in about a month.

I'm giving just over 3 weeks notice, because the boss is actually great. But this other guy I work with thinks I pretty much need to find and train a replacement for myself before I go. Hes also got the “noone wants to work these days” attitude.

Fuckin boomers.

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