
Providence Health and Services “mission” is bull shit.

I want to tell you a little story. There is a caregiver who hooked up with John Doe. The coworker who sits next to this person at work says… “John Doe?!? I heard he has Herpes!” The caregiver freaks out and proceeds to enter Epic (where she store health information) and she digs and digs and digs through John Doe's medical chart looking all over for the positive Herpes STD test…. do you know what she found? Jack shit. The caregiver was fired immediately by HR. And rightfully so. Now this caregiver handles referrals for things like surgery authorizations for Providence Medical Group (PMG), which is where PMG gets all their money from… when she was let go it was like we turned off the water to the sink, but instead of water coming out it's god damn Benjamins. PMG leadership freaks out (I can name them) and they appeal…

I want to tell you a little story. There is a caregiver who hooked up with John Doe. The coworker who sits next to this person at work says… “John Doe?!? I heard he has Herpes!” The caregiver freaks out and proceeds to enter Epic (where she store health information) and she digs and digs and digs through John Doe's medical chart looking all over for the positive Herpes STD test…. do you know what she found? Jack shit.

The caregiver was fired immediately by HR. And rightfully so. Now this caregiver handles referrals for things like surgery authorizations for Providence Medical Group (PMG), which is where PMG gets all their money from… when she was let go it was like we turned off the water to the sink, but instead of water coming out it's god damn Benjamins.

PMG leadership freaks out (I can name them) and they appeal to HR to rehire the caregiver…. and get this, HR finally concedes and rehires the caregiver that broke every HIPAA law known to man on grounds of… get this – “compassion.” Where's the fucking compassion for John Doe?

It gets worse. HR had to call the John Doe about the breach… do you think they actually told him the full truth? No… they gave him some bull shit, “Hey sooooooo your health information may or may not have been momentarily breached… we've solved the problem and we are so so so sorry, please don't sue us.” BULL SHIT.

It gets WORSE. PMG leadership then asks all the lower administration not to talk about it… they will rue that day. I’m resigning this week. I agreed to shit pay because I believed in the mission. I needed the experience. I have a masters in Business Administration but nobody would touch me in 2019.

I want to make it clear, I’m not suicidal. If I disappear tomorrow it was murder. They will sue me for defamation. Copy and paste this. Share it with your friends. Providence is one of the largest medical “ministries” on the west coast and they deserve to be sued for this.

~John Doe who gives a shit. Spokane, WA

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