
Where is the protection for college students?

I am a full time college student (currently enrolled in 6 classes), yet I still have to work 45+ hours in a single week in order to put food on the table. Why does society push towards the standards of fetishizing earning your degrees when at the same time giving little to no aid for students. I am horrified of the thought of putting in these sleepless months on end at the end of my semesters, finally earning that degree, that it would all be for nothing. If there can be protection for students in high school, (which is perfectly understandable as to why due to child protection laws in the work place) than why can't any of said rules transfer over to those who claim as a full time student (15 credit hours or more in a single semester)

I am a full time college student (currently enrolled in 6 classes), yet I still have to work 45+ hours in a single week in order to put food on the table.

Why does society push towards the standards of fetishizing earning your degrees when at the same time giving little to no aid for students.

I am horrified of the thought of putting in these sleepless months on end at the end of my semesters, finally earning that degree, that it would all be for nothing.

If there can be protection for students in high school, (which is perfectly understandable as to why due to child protection laws in the work place) than why can't any of said rules transfer over to those who claim as a full time student (15 credit hours or more in a single semester)

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