
Just a couple days ago, my mom quit the job she loved

Today I found out that my mom is heart broken that she had to leave the job she’s loved having for years all because her asshole boss is stuck in the old days of telling people what to do and doing nothing to contribute to the work load/hire another person to help out around the shop. She has been asking over and over for someone to be hired part time because most of the work was being tossed onto her shoulders while the one other worker she had was a lazy bum. It all came to a head when she asked one last time to have someone hired by May or she’d be finding somewhere else to work. Her boss demanded that she continued to carry the job without any help being lended to her and that she was to do as she’s told when she’s told. She wasn’t having…

Today I found out that my mom is heart broken that she had to leave the job she’s loved having for years all because her asshole boss is stuck in the old days of telling people what to do and doing nothing to contribute to the work load/hire another person to help out around the shop. She has been asking over and over for someone to be hired part time because most of the work was being tossed onto her shoulders while the one other worker she had was a lazy bum.

It all came to a head when she asked one last time to have someone hired by May or she’d be finding somewhere else to work. Her boss demanded that she continued to carry the job without any help being lended to her and that she was to do as she’s told when she’s told. She wasn’t having any of that so she calmly asked again and he told her no and if she didn’t like that answer, then she could leave and she’s fired. So she did just that! She’s gonna get her stuff on Monday and left that same day, though ever since then, she’s been a bit broken inside because it was a job that she loved doing and has been in that industry for 25+ years but at that particular place around 10 years total. She’s exhausted and could never do any of the personal projects she’s wanted to achieve because there’s the overlying stress of work on her shoulders, to coming home and being tired and just wanting to rest, and having no motivation from being burnt out.

She wanted to cry when she was talking to me about it, but in the very end, she’s happy that she’s left a place that’s been overworking her without the overtime pay and has bullied her into doing more than she’s ever been asked for. I’m proud of her. You go, mom!

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