
Interviewer said no to $25/hr and 5 minutes later showed me some plates that sold for $18,000

I graduated with an art degree a couple years ago and I wish someone would have told me to wait a few years before going to college. I'm 24 now and have no idea what to do in this job market. I feel like if I had waited until now, I would have a better perspective and could start getting a degree in computer science or something in high demand. My parents just told me to go to college and get any degree and it would help me to get a job (not that this is their fault, they gave me a lot of opportunities). I'm grateful for my time in college and I learned a lot about life and the world, but I have no idea what to do anymore. I feel like I have no value in American society and none of my skills are valuable. I was…

I graduated with an art degree a couple years ago and I wish someone would have told me to wait a few years before going to college. I'm 24 now and have no idea what to do in this job market. I feel like if I had waited until now, I would have a better perspective and could start getting a degree in computer science or something in high demand. My parents just told me to go to college and get any degree and it would help me to get a job (not that this is their fault, they gave me a lot of opportunities).

I'm grateful for my time in college and I learned a lot about life and the world, but I have no idea what to do anymore. I feel like I have no value in American society and none of my skills are valuable. I was working as a photographer at an auction company, but I left a couple weeks ago because my boss was unbearable to be around and was only paying me $18.75/hr when rent in my area is ~$2600. I applied to another auction company and they want to hire me but I don't know if I'm going to take the job because it's 1.5 hrs away and even at $25/hr I'm not sure if I could afford to move closer.

I asked for $25/hr during the interview and the owner said that was more than he was thinking but that he would think about it. Five minutes later he showed me a small set of antique dinner plates that sold for over $18,000, and it's a giant warehouse full of that shit so they must be making bank.

I just feel a general sense of despair each day and I no longer have any idea what to do with my life. I thought about taking some coding classes at my community college, but I don't know how useful that would be in the workforce, and I honestly don't have another 4+ years of classes and homework in me.

I honestly would just be happy having a simple job and being able to pay my bills, but it seems like this is becoming unobtainable in the US. I'm not really sure why I'm posting this I'm just feeling frustrated and lost. I have an education, money in the bank, but feel like I'm stuck in a prison. I'm just going to keep looking for jobs and hopefully I find something decent.

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