
My boss is pissed that I have a medical emergency

I broke a bone over the weekend and sent them an immediate text letting them know I’ll have to get surgery sometime next week. I find out on Monday. My boss proceeds to leave me on read for over 24 hours and then responds coldly that “their schedule is too intense this week and I need to schedule it on Friday”. I’ve been stressed beyond belief since the accident happened and the last thing I should worry about is my boss being pissed at me. My boss would rather have me be in pain for over a week for THEIR convenience. I also have no say over when the hospital can schedule me in. How can these types of bosses sleep at night?

I broke a bone over the weekend and sent them an immediate text letting them know I’ll have to get surgery sometime next week. I find out on Monday.

My boss proceeds to leave me on read for over 24 hours and then responds coldly that “their schedule is too intense this week and I need to schedule it on Friday”. I’ve been stressed beyond belief since the accident happened and the last thing I should worry about is my boss being pissed at me.

My boss would rather have me be in pain for over a week for THEIR convenience. I also have no say over when the hospital can schedule me in. How can these types of bosses sleep at night?

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