
Retail is so fucked up these days.

5 months ago I left my old retail job for a number of reasons. Crappy managers who constantly changed the goalposts on their most dedicated employees, played clear favorites, and punished us for them not having enough staff. Was there 3 years and every time I looked to move up one rung on the ladder, the goalposts were moved back. The last time I was literally told “You need to be one of the top 3 performers in metrics to be considered.” -.- I worked PART TIME. How tf was I supposed to compete with people who had been there far longer and had far more hours than I did?? What’s interesting is a few days before I left I was still in the store group message and saw the store manager say “As you all know November-December is the holiday season and our busiest time of the year. As…

5 months ago I left my old retail job for a number of reasons. Crappy managers who constantly changed the goalposts on their most dedicated employees, played clear favorites, and punished us for them not having enough staff. Was there 3 years and every time I looked to move up one rung on the ladder, the goalposts were moved back. The last time I was literally told “You need to be one of the top 3 performers in metrics to be considered.” -.- I worked PART TIME. How tf was I supposed to compete with people who had been there far longer and had far more hours than I did??

What’s interesting is a few days before I left I was still in the store group message and saw the store manager say “As you all know November-December is the holiday season and our busiest time of the year. As such, we need all our employees here to see us through it. So, no time off will be approved for those months to ensure we can be our best for our customers.” I even had a coworker (let’s call her Mary) who is in her mid-60s, retired teacher, working there just to have a little extra income, and she’s had every Christmas Eve off for the last 7 years so she could be with her husband. But as I was saying my goodbyes to everyone on my last day she told me that the store manager wouldn’t let her off this year. SMH.

Another crazy thing is now I see many former coworkers and managers on Facebook with the same copy and pasted message of “StoreName and StoreLocation is hiring multiple full time and part time positions. Competitive pay, stock, and benefits. Let us know if you’re interested.” It’s so hilarious because I was there for three years and never once saw them or heard them ask us to post anything like that. Maybe their crappy treatment is finally catching up to them. Sad though for my former coworkers who aren’t in management positions or in positions to be able to leave who are probably being screwed over even more because clearly so many people are leaving that they need to put that desperate call out on Facebook.

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