
Why the hell do bosses think you should be available all the time?

I returned to work today after a 2 week mini-vacation during which I spent time with my family and away from the drudgery of work. I walk to my bosses room to discuss my tasks for the day. The first thing he does is not ask me if I enjoyed my time off or what I was up to the last couple of weeks, but rather tell me in an annoyed tone that I didn't respond to a work email I received a week ago (while I was still on leave). This obviously annoyed me and I bluntly responded with “I was on leave”. He says “Yeah but it was a 15 minute task at most”. I don't give a fuck if it was a 30 second task, I'm not doing anything work related if I'm on fucking leave. I've been fuming about this the entire day and have intentionally…

I returned to work today after a 2 week mini-vacation during which I spent time with my family and away from the drudgery of work. I walk to my bosses room to discuss my tasks for the day.

The first thing he does is not ask me if I enjoyed my time off or what I was up to the last couple of weeks, but rather tell me in an annoyed tone that I didn't respond to a work email I received a week ago (while I was still on leave).

This obviously annoyed me and I bluntly responded with “I was on leave”. He says “Yeah but it was a 15 minute task at most”.

I don't give a fuck if it was a 30 second task, I'm not doing anything work related if I'm on fucking leave. I've been fuming about this the entire day and have intentionally slacked off out of spite.

Why do bosses think they deserve control of your life outside of work, even when you're on bloody vacation ffs?!

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