
Vent: I supervise my supervisor.

I walked into work this morning feeling ok, Mondays are usually shitty for me. I logged into my work PC, read a few emails from Friday (I work 4 10hr days and have Friday-Sunday off) and was instantly triggered. I legit wanted to walk right back out. My supervisor isn’t a supervisor. I supervise her! She is not all there upstairs. I feel bad because a few years ago her husband died pretty horribly from cancer and then she was hospitalized and had to be resuscitated because of heart problems. She was “dead” for a few minutes. She was off work for nearly a year and since she came back she’s physically here but not mentally. 80% of what she does I have to redo. She messes up almost everything. The company I work for manufactures medical devices for other companies. We are highly regulated. We are currently under a…

I walked into work this morning feeling ok, Mondays are usually shitty for me.

I logged into my work PC, read a few emails from Friday (I work 4 10hr days and have Friday-Sunday off) and was instantly triggered. I legit wanted to walk right back out.

My supervisor isn’t a supervisor. I supervise her! She is not all there upstairs. I feel bad because a few years ago her husband died pretty horribly from cancer and then she was hospitalized and had to be resuscitated because of heart problems. She was “dead” for a few minutes. She was off work for nearly a year and since she came back she’s physically here but not mentally.

80% of what she does I have to redo. She messes up almost everything.

The company I work for manufactures medical devices for other companies. We are highly regulated.

We are currently under a remote audit by one of our customers in the EU and they are asking for a lot of documentation. Usually I am involved in all audit activities because she is clueless, but she insisted she could do this one by herself because its one of our longtime customers and in the past the audits have been easy.

Not so much this time. The customer is being audited to the new EU MDR (European medical device directive) and its brutal. They are requesting a ton of information.

One of the emails she sent me on Friday was regarding a solder and electronic assembly standard. The auditor requested a copy and she asked me if she should go scan the hard copy we have. 1) the auditor shouldn’t have asked for this – standards are generally “licensed” to the company that purchased them and 2) that book is 4-5inches thick. Like, where’s your freaking brain???

Just need to vent so badly…. I’ve been in burn out phase for so long. Applying like crazy to other jobs but it’s taking so long.

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