
Glad to leave SBux, butthurt about 49$ but mostly just ranting

I’ve been going back and forth about posting this and finally decided why not. Last year I was working at Starbucks as a shift supervisor. The pay as a shift supervisor at the store I worked at was $13.34, later on it was raised to $17.78 and the pay for a barista position was raised to $14(I don’t remember what it was before). I had been thinking about stepping down from the position since it didn’t really seem like a good fit for me and 13.34 was not worth the stress. When the barista pay was increased I started thinking that even if I stepped down I would still be making more than I was before. I decided to stick it out since I thought making 17.78 was great. Then something happened with our manager who I really liked and they decided to take their coffee break (after you’ve worked…

I’ve been going back and forth about posting this and finally decided why not.

Last year I was working at Starbucks as a shift supervisor. The pay as a shift supervisor at the store I worked at was $13.34, later on it was raised to $17.78 and the pay for a barista position was raised to $14(I don’t remember what it was before). I had been thinking about stepping down from the position since it didn’t really seem like a good fit for me and 13.34 was not worth the stress. When the barista pay was increased I started thinking that even if I stepped down I would still be making more than I was before. I decided to stick it out since I thought making 17.78 was great.

Then something happened with our manager who I really liked and they decided to take their coffee break (after you’ve worked with the company for 10 years you can take a year off and then come back afterwards like you never left). When this manager was here I worked about 4 days a week but then I decreased my hours to about 24 hours a week since I got another job as a server and was making more there anyways. I felt that our manager cared about the store and the team and was pretty understanding about life happening, but when they left I felt like our store went down hill pretty fast.

While they found our store a permanent manager we had a someone step in but they were already a manager at another store so we rarely saw them or had any meetings with them which was fine. I can hardly imagine managing one store let alone two that are pretty distant from each other. At this time our store became so disorganized due to this manager coming in and rearranging things without really letting anyone know. I would come into work and have no idea where things were or what was going on. Luckily another shift supervisor kind of took charge since they wanted to be promoted anyways so it made work bearable. We didn’t have this manager for very long.

Then we got a brand new manager who had just gotten promoted and this was their first store. We had once shift supervisor meeting where we mostly just talked about how we weren’t supposed to stay later than 30 minutes after our shift. I would constantly stay late because maybe I wasn’t the best at time management so I would make sure the trash was taken out and dishes were done because I wanted to leave a good floor for the next shift supervisor coming in. I always enjoyed putting the order away and organizing things in the back. During this I was like okay whatever I guess I won’t stay late anymore. Afterwards I asked if we were going to have a one on one just to talk about expectations and hours. During this one on one the new store manager said they wanted me to work a minimum of 32 hours. I was like alright well I have other things going on anyways so let me think about it.

Everyday I walked into work it just did not feel good. Going into the back room there were always boxes everywhere the back desk was always piled with papers or other messes everything was cluttered. To me it felt like this new manager didn’t care too much about the team and really only cared about proving they could run a store and have a good time peak times, but that’s just how I felt. There was a night shift supervisor who probably only spoke to them a few times and never even got their one on one. So a few weeks later I told this manager yeah I’m going to step down and they were fine with that. I told them I’d stay on as a supervisor for another 2 weeks since the schedule was already posted

Fast forward to my paycheck after I’ve already stepped down and I see they deducted 49 from my paycheck because they overpaid me. This billion $ company really felt the need to take away 49 $ and yeah it’s not a huge amount of money, but what really annoyed me was that NO ONE even told me. I just so happen to check my pay stub to see if I was actually making 14 or more. I was hoping that I’d be making more than 14 since I had already been with the company for 2.5 years but no. It really sucks that once you’ve promoted and then stepped down you start back at the base pay rate again. Then I had to take time out my day to called and find out why. I was told it could’ve happened because the paper work wasn’t filed on time or it took to long to process but why is this my fault. Also everyone gets paid the same depending on when you started so I started thinking to myself why am I busting my ass running like a chicken without a head to get these drinks out when the person in drive through is chilling on their phone. Slowly trying to do less and less since it doesn’t really seem to matter how hard you work. We do have a New new manager now and the store has gotten better but I’m just done with the company. Having 4 different manager this past year was not fun.

My last day is next week yay. Anyways thanks for reading of you made it this far.

TLDR: I worked at Starbucks and then I demoted myself. They said they overpaid me and then no one told me 49$ would be deducted from my paycheck. Randomly checked my stub a few months ago and found out. Glad it’s my last week there.

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