
My boss laughed in my face when I told him my grandpa died.

This sub feels like a support group that has helped me through a lot, and I wanted to share my own story. Last year, during a peak of covid cases, my boss at the time decided it was a good idea to tell our 16 employees that they should listen to a certain podcast after work that day. He said this during one of our regular Wednesday morning meetings, which usually consisted of pretty solid life-building exercises and influential content for personal growth. So naturally, I listened to what he sent us on the way home… It ended up being a covid-denying, anti-vax, anti-mask, evangelist Christian podcast that was outright saying that every death from the virus was a hoax. Now, granted.. I do think that people have the right to believe what they want, freedom of speech is a very important privilege in this day and age.. but forcing…

This sub feels like a support group that has helped me through a lot, and I wanted to share my own story.

Last year, during a peak of covid cases, my boss at the time decided it was a good idea to tell our 16 employees that they should listen to a certain podcast after work that day. He said this during one of our regular Wednesday morning meetings, which usually consisted of pretty solid life-building exercises and influential content for personal growth. So naturally, I listened to what he sent us on the way home… It ended up being a covid-denying, anti-vax, anti-mask, evangelist Christian podcast that was outright saying that every death from the virus was a hoax.

Now, granted.. I do think that people have the right to believe what they want, freedom of speech is a very important privilege in this day and age.. but forcing opinions based on public health and religion to young and impressionable employees is a dangerous path to take, and makes employees extremely uncomfortable in their work environment if they don’t share the same beliefs. Being the owner of the company, his gospel was pushed with a hint of mandatory following behind it.. but he was careful with his words as to not threaten the legality of his actions.

I was in an important leadership role at this company, and protecting our employee’s safety was my immediate responsibility… so I decided to approach him the next day asking him politely to avoid that type of rhetoric in our morning meetings. Even adding that I don’t care what he says throughout the day or on social media as a sign that I respect his freedom of thought.

His reply? “You can write me a check right now if you’d like to buy my company, then you can tell me how to run it”

Obviously taken aback by this, I replied with my concerns for public safety by letting him know how the virus had directly impacted my life. I had lost my beloved grandfather to it a month prior, and my uncle was literally on a respirator at that exact moment (he survived btw!) The love of my life is also severely immunocompromised, and I was not going to risk her life by working in an unsafe environment.

He laughed. HARD. As I was standing in front of him on the verge of tears… and followed up by saying “I’m sorry your grandpa died, but it wasn’t covid buddy. If you don’t follow my beliefs, you don’t have to work for me.” Promptly tossing on his backpack and turning his back to me before hopping in his Porsche. (I wish I was making this up)

I quit a few days later after being begged not to leave. I’ve since become co-owner of a small business with my friend, and have even hired an ex-employee of that company that was also emotionally abused by the same guy. It’s not hard to treat people with compassion… ESPECIALLY when they’re helping put loads of cash in your pockets.

𝐓𝐋𝐃𝐑: My boss tried to force us to believe that covid wasn’t real, and thought it was hilarious when I told him I lost close family to it. So I quit.

If you’re uncomfortable with something your employer has done, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and those around you. Your well-being should always come first.

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