
So tired – a rant

So trigger warning for depression and passive suicidal thoughts. So I (26) and just done. I’m so tired all the time and I hate working so much. It’s such a drain. It’s not even that I dislike what I do or where I work it’s just that I go in do what I need to do for 8 hours and then leave. It leaves me exhausted at the end of the day which means everything else doesn’t get done. And right now I only work 2 8hour days (16 hours) because I’m in school. I am dreading working full time. Like right now I work Tu/W and when Thursday hits I’m so relieved and yet Friday morning I wake up and the panic starts to build up knowing that in just a few days it will be Tuesday again. It also doesn’t help that I have severe depression and undiagnosed/treated…

So trigger warning for depression and passive suicidal thoughts.

So I (26) and just done. I’m so tired all the time and I hate working so much. It’s such a drain. It’s not even that I dislike what I do or where I work it’s just that I go in do what I need to do for 8 hours and then leave. It leaves me exhausted at the end of the day which means everything else doesn’t get done.

And right now I only work 2 8hour days (16 hours) because I’m in school. I am dreading working full time. Like right now I work Tu/W and when Thursday hits I’m so relieved and yet Friday morning I wake up and the panic starts to build up knowing that in just a few days it will be Tuesday again.

It also doesn’t help that I have severe depression and undiagnosed/treated adhd and autism. Throw untreated sleep apnea on top and I’m just so done. I think about the future and the fact that I will most likely be expected to work 40 hours/wk and I would honestly rather die.

I’m just at the end of my rope and need a place to rant where no one knows me personally.

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