
have to be corporates personal mover .

I'm a truck driver. I make deliveries all over new england for remediation projects (mold, asbestos construction etc etc). I'm very busy. Only driver at this warehouse. Well today after I finish my route I was told I must go to the regional managers personal home to pick up about 40 large boxes. Now I just assumed that these boxes were business related. Like product that was going to come back to the warehouse or some shit like that. So whatever. But this morning I find out that he is moving across country and transferring to another one of our locations. I am going to his house (which he isn't even at anymore) I have to punch in his garage code and move all the boxes from his garage into my truck by hand. Nothing on pallets or anything like that. Just boxes and bins filled with his personal shit.…

I'm a truck driver. I make deliveries all over new england for remediation projects (mold, asbestos construction etc etc). I'm very busy. Only driver at this warehouse. Well today after I finish my route I was told I must go to the regional managers personal home to pick up about 40 large boxes. Now I just assumed that these boxes were business related. Like product that was going to come back to the warehouse or some shit like that. So whatever. But this morning I find out that he is moving across country and transferring to another one of our locations. I am going to his house (which he isn't even at anymore) I have to punch in his garage code and move all the boxes from his garage into my truck by hand. Nothing on pallets or anything like that. Just boxes and bins filled with his personal shit. Then I have to drive it all back to my warehouse and unload it so that we can ship it on another carrier cross country for him so that he doesn't have to pay for it.

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