
I’ve been replaced after trying to recover from a leg injury.

I already had an issue with this place before new years. They took $50 out of my pay and gave it back to me in cash form in a Christmas card- labelling it in my paystub as a “bonus”. I wasnt unhappy but was slowly convinced that id be overreacting to do anything about it. I forget how long its been- one week or two- ive had a strange leg injury. I told boss id be out for a while and had a doc appointment. They ask if they needed to replace me and i said i dont know. I come back today to find out that ive already been replaced. There is more to it, but im angry and tired from the walk. Ill likely remake this post later for more details…

I already had an issue with this place before new years. They took $50 out of my pay and gave it back to me in cash form in a Christmas card- labelling it in my paystub as a “bonus”. I wasnt unhappy but was slowly convinced that id be overreacting to do anything about it.

I forget how long its been- one week or two- ive had a strange leg injury. I told boss id be out for a while and had a doc appointment. They ask if they needed to replace me and i said i dont know. I come back today to find out that ive already been replaced.

There is more to it, but im angry and tired from the walk. Ill likely remake this post later for more details…

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