
5 points for every 6 months or I’m fired

So, at my job, you get 5 points before you're fired. Each absence is 1 point; if you leave early, it's 0.5 points, on holidays or “special” days it's 2 points. They do not accept doctor's notes at all for any reason. The only way you can miss work and not get points is if you have covid. I have the stomach flu. 2 days ago, I threw up on the floor at work in the backroom. I cleaned it up and they sent me home but now I'm back at work, still throwing up in the bathroom, still feeling like garbage but I already have 4 points (sliced the tip of my thumb off at home but couldn't work until it was closed up. work doesn't accept doctor's notes so just had to call out 4 times) I have 1 point left for 3 months. After 6 months they…

So, at my job, you get 5 points before you're fired. Each absence is 1 point; if you leave early, it's 0.5 points, on holidays or “special” days it's 2 points. They do not accept doctor's notes at all for any reason. The only way you can miss work and not get points is if you have covid. I have the stomach flu. 2 days ago, I threw up on the floor at work in the backroom. I cleaned it up and they sent me home but now I'm back at work, still throwing up in the bathroom, still feeling like garbage but I already have 4 points (sliced the tip of my thumb off at home but couldn't work until it was closed up. work doesn't accept doctor's notes so just had to call out 4 times) I have 1 point left for 3 months. After 6 months they get restarted, but for now I'm fucked. I can't get injured, I have to come in sick, and only way I can use sick pay if if I have covid or actually in the hospital. This is bullshit.

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