
Unfortunately I am searching for work right now and…..

If I see one more job that says “competitive pay” that turns out to be shite one more time, Im gonna lose my fucking mind. I swear, these fuckin people have ZERO respect for anyone that applies, particularly to their time. I've been out of work for a bit now, like 3 months and I left because of a combo of hating my current job at the time, my grandparents both becoming very ill and me needing to help take care of them (they damn near raised me with my mom so I can't not take care of them), and my mental health just declining. I have been in multiple interviews where they act like they don't want to hire me because of that specifically, taking care of relatives is a bad thing apparently? Had an interview where they made me do some work, to “see if I could do…

If I see one more job that says “competitive pay” that turns out to be shite one more time, Im gonna lose my fucking mind.

I swear, these fuckin people have ZERO respect for anyone that applies, particularly to their time. I've been out of work for a bit now, like 3 months and I left because of a combo of hating my current job at the time, my grandparents both becoming very ill and me needing to help take care of them (they damn near raised me with my mom so I can't not take care of them), and my mental health just declining. I have been in multiple interviews where they act like they don't want to hire me because of that specifically, taking care of relatives is a bad thing apparently? Had an interview where they made me do some work, to “see if I could do the job”…. yeah they just wanted some free work done, and the guy had the gall to make negative comments about me sweating after doing it like I could handle the job or something, even tho i did the shit in much less time than the budgeted or whatever. And a few that were skittish about disclosing pay….. walked on all those ones but still I feel like some just don't want to touch me with a ten foot pole and I don't know why… I have a decent resume, lots of different experience with tons of jobs, I'm not old or too young etc.

Fuck I mean I have enough saved up where I don't “NEED” to work for a few more months but also I definitely NEED to start working again soon, I mean I can't just live off my savings forever until they are gone…. this shit sucks ass and its just making me feel so shitty right now. The only thing that is I guess kind of positive is I have in an app for a job that is really good it looks like, delivering medical equipment and I think I'm a good fit for it and it's actually good pay and benefits, also I took and got a pretty high score on the post office test…. so here's hoping I can land either of those jobs…. even though I don't want to work and am sick of wasting my life on it, if I have to I guess I'd want to get paid a liveable wage so shit. This shit is enough to be VERY discouraging and it's wrecking what could be described as somewhat already fragile mental health.

Also I'm sorry this post is about nothing basically. Just needed to vent. Also, if anyone wanted to give me a job, I just need above starvation wages per year, with benefits and me love you long time.

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