
idk what to do anymore. Can’t qualify for state insurance anymore bc I live with 5 other family members.

I live in indiana and was told that my household's monthly income cannot exceed 3,800 otherwise I'm disqualified. I've been unemployed for awhile now and was finally getting my medication and dental work done bc it was all paid for. My dad is retired but still getting income, my mom works, my younger brother just got a job, my older brother is currently unemployed and my uncle is recovering from a botched surgery but will be back to work within a month or so. Even if I stayed not working, I wouldn't qualify anymore soon. I had an interview today and was told that I could get more hourly (lol, 14 an hour MAX) if I didn't need insurance so “the owner wouldn't have to pay into it”. I'm so fucking done with all of this shit. I'm so close to driving to a warm state to be homeless. Also…

I live in indiana and was told that my household's monthly income cannot exceed 3,800 otherwise I'm disqualified. I've been unemployed for awhile now and was finally getting my medication and dental work done bc it was all paid for. My dad is retired but still getting income, my mom works, my younger brother just got a job, my older brother is currently unemployed and my uncle is recovering from a botched surgery but will be back to work within a month or so. Even if I stayed not working, I wouldn't qualify anymore soon. I had an interview today and was told that I could get more hourly (lol, 14 an hour MAX) if I didn't need insurance so “the owner wouldn't have to pay into it”. I'm so fucking done with all of this shit. I'm so close to driving to a warm state to be homeless. Also my boomer parents and uncle don't understand and just say “that's how it is, find a better paying job with good benefits”. I've applied to so many jobs at this point and obviously never get a call for any of the decent ones, not even great ones, that I've applied to.

I truly want to move out of the stupid USA but I'm a 26 year old female, 27 in july, and have no qualifications other than food service, cashiering and cleaning. Obviously I don't even have any money to move with anyway. I can't kill myself either bc it really would follow my parents for the rest of their lives.

I guess this is just a vent post bc I know you all are experiencing similar or far worse situations. I told my mom I just wish she never had me and she just looked disappointed. I know she loves me but I can't even get sympathy over any of this from anyone but strangers online. Idk how I'm going to live like this.

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