
Can’t get a promotion or raise, me complaining

Hello, I have been following this subreddit more and more as my tension grows in my job and I feel like I'm overlooked and just wanted to vent because I'm in a position where I'm stuck and needed to talk to someone about it. I work for a smaller company [100-200 people], 5 years now (1 year as a temp, 1 year as a subcontractor, now 3 years as full-time salary). On year 3 beginning when I started my salaried position, I interviewed my new boss and I expressed my interest in training and progressive responsibility, and how it was my career and was looking forward to expanding with the company and him, and gave him the green light. He said he was totally on board with training and advancement and wanted the best for me, and they hired him. Now, three years later, after asking for a year and…


I have been following this subreddit more and more as my tension grows in my job and I feel like I'm overlooked and just wanted to vent because I'm in a position where I'm stuck and needed to talk to someone about it. I work for a smaller company [100-200 people], 5 years now (1 year as a temp, 1 year as a subcontractor, now 3 years as full-time salary). On year 3 beginning when I started my salaried position, I interviewed my new boss and I expressed my interest in training and progressive responsibility, and how it was my career and was looking forward to expanding with the company and him, and gave him the green light. He said he was totally on board with training and advancement and wanted the best for me, and they hired him.

Now, three years later, after asking for a year and a half for trainings, certifications, anything that can help my position, a raise, more responsibility to somehow get ahead, something, I have only gotten, “We'll see next week,” or “I'll (boss) will have to have a meeting with XYZ” but he just drops the ball every time and seems to not care. Every month or two I ask and get another response similar. I can't move forward and I'm pulling my hair out. I've helped make the company millions in profit. I've become stagnant and maybe they're just letting me die on the vine until I quit or find a replacement. I've been a good employee, at work everyday at 9:30-5, take little time off, I've taught my boss and people on my team a lot of what they know about my process which applies to my work.

We talked about it some last October and he told me to make a position information sheet of where I'd like to move up into with a listing of responsibilities, and I did, and bam, brick wall. Nothing came of it. Every day I hate my job now. It's degraded into me hating my boss and my work, listening to them smack their gum on every call into their mic and pick their nose on video and be an oaf, but this is the person somehow over me. Should I send an email looping in all of them and the next level to get clarity/movement on this or is that frowned upon?

I've also started a tiny art company I'm thinking about starting to pour all my effort into, it makes me a lot happier, but it doesn't pay much at all because new business. Should I just scrape together some money and try to go out on my own? I can't justify staying here anymore but I got to pay bills.

Thanks for listening, just need a good vent and some advice.

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