
Bad day. Just need to vent.

Today has been ridiculous. We all have bad days. That’s just part of life. This one really shouldn’t have been bad. It was mostly normal day stress in my career field (insurance). Some nice clients, some confused clients, and some that are just plain mean. But nothing out of the ordinary. But for whatever reason my fuse was SHORT today! To the point that when the EXIT sign that is about 10 feet from my desk decided to start buzzing loudly it kicked my misophonia into high gear and I about lost my sh*t. Over a buzzing exit sign (in my defense, try listening to a loud buzzing in your ear for 8 hours a day, for goodness knows how long until someone comes out to fix it. Looking like 4 months for me. I guess I am running a fan and my Pandora music until then to drown it…

Today has been ridiculous. We all have bad days. That’s just part of life. This one really shouldn’t have been bad. It was mostly normal day stress in my career field (insurance). Some nice clients, some confused clients, and some that are just plain mean. But nothing out of the ordinary. But for whatever reason my fuse was SHORT today! To the point that when the EXIT sign that is about 10 feet from my desk decided to start buzzing loudly it kicked my misophonia into high gear and I about lost my sh*t. Over a buzzing exit sign (in my defense, try listening to a loud buzzing in your ear for 8 hours a day, for goodness knows how long until someone comes out to fix it. Looking like 4 months for me. I guess I am running a fan and my Pandora music until then to drown it out. Or a WILL lose my mind.)

Needless to say, I am done working for the day. I have another hour but mentally I am checking out. I usually am on the phone with service trying to answer a question a client asked me, and I should be right now, but I am not. I will take care of it tomorrow. There are things I could be doing but…I’m deflated. I can’t. So I am just biding my time until I can walk out of here for the day. Maybe read a book, browse the net, draw. Whatever. But I am done putting mental effort into anyone else’s problems for the remainder of the day. If you call me with an issue right now, unless someone stole your car, I am writing down notes and getting to it tomorrow. I’ll be more level headed anyway.

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